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Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

The purpose of the privacy policy is to provide an individual (data subject) with information about the purpose of data processing, the volume, protection and security of data processing of an individual, as well as provide other information about data processing.

Personal Information
Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.

Privacy Policy
Danila Gifts OÜ privacy policy applies to the processing of personal data regardless of the form (form) the individual provides his data (or the third person provides data of a third party in accordance with the law / power of attorney / consent): on paper, in electronic form, on Danila Gifts OÜ, in the online store, in the shop, etc.

Basic information
The purpose of personal data processing: the conclusion of the contract of purchase of goods / services, the implementation of the delivery of goods, administration of payments, the implementation of warranty obligations.
Controller: Danila Gifts OÜ, reg. nr 14331261
Legal address: Veetorni tn 6-6, Aseri 43401, Estonia
Legal justification: legitimate interests of Danila Gifts OÜ
Data transfer to third countries: does not occur
Data recipients: controller, controller operator and competent (human rights) government agencies, partners and organizations (third-party companies) providing services, organizations administering databases, cloud storage services, accounting services, as well as lawyers, attorneys, operators, etc dd
Data Protection Specialist: danilagifts@yahoo.com

Personal data processing and legal justification
The processing of personal data is carried out in order to realize the objectives described in this privacy policy, including the legitimate interests of Danila Gifts OÜ (commercial activity), comply with the requirements of regulatory acts in relation to the receipt, processing, storage, transmission, etc. personal data of individuals, as well as to meet the requirements of regulatory acts governing the rights of consumers.

The retention period of personal data depends on the period regulated in the regulatory act or the period specified in the contract, or the regulated period of Danila Gifts OÜ. Personal data is not stored longer than is necessary to fulfill the requirements of the regulations, while respecting the legitimate interests of Danila Gifts OÜ. When a condition arises where the storage of personal data is no longer required, personal data is deleted.

For the storage of personal data, specialized and secure programs are used to ensure the safe storage and processing of personal data using antivirus programs (“firewalls”) and other technical solutions. Personal data is protected by access systems and special programs.
Storage of personal data
Personal data are not transferred to third countries (countries that are not part of the EU and / or the SES).
Personal data may be transferred to partners of Danila Gifts OÜ (including companies providing third-party services), organizations providing services (operators) and authorized legal entities and individuals (lawyers, lawyers). Data transfer occurs securely using secure programs and technologies. Personal data is transferred only to the extent necessary to fulfill the legal and legitimate interests of Danila Gifts OÜ.

Sending commercial offers and promotional materials
Commercial offers are sent to those addressees / individuals who have agreed to receive commercial offers (advertising materials) from Danila Gifts OÜ. Information about the refusal to receive promotional materials is listed in the promotional email. You can also refuse to receive promotional materials by writing to e-mail – sales@danila-souvenirs.com.

Access to your personal data
An individual can access his personal data on the basis of a written application, observing the requirements of the regulations governing personal data, as well as the regulations governing the acceptance and consideration of applications by sending an application (by mail: Danila Gifts OÜ, Veetorni tn 6-6, Aseri 43401, Estonia, by email: danilagifts@yahoo.com).

When submitting an application, an individual is obliged to identify himself in the necessary amount so that Danila Gifts OÜ can make sure that the person requesting data is the person whose data is being requested (the person requests his data). Only in this case, Danila Gifts OÜ will provide the person with all the available data and other information provided by law.

Right to withdraw consent
An individual has the right to withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data. The refusal is submitted in the same form as the consent given for the processing of personal data.
In any case, an individual can send his refusal to process personal data to the legal address of Danila Gifts OÜ: Veetorni tn 6-6, Aseri 43401, Estonia, and / or by e-mail: danilagifts@yahoo.com. Refusal does not affect the processing of personal data, which was made before the refusal. Also, the refusal does not affect or suspend the processing of personal data, which was carried out in accordance with and / or based on legal grounds (regulation, law, rules).

Final information
Danila Gifts OÜ has the right to change the privacy policy, informing individuals (data subjects) about this.
The headings in this section should be interpreted only as facilitating the presentation of information.
The data subject (to an individual) who believes that his rights regarding personal data have been violated has the right to apply to Danila Gifts OÜ or to the State Data Inspectorate.

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