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Home – Payment

Payment methods

Terms of use:

Dear customers,you can pay by bank transfer or credit card. If you paid for the goods through the credit card or Bank transfer, but changed your mind about buying the goods you are interested in, or mistakenly transferred money to us, we will refund the money to the account from which you paid the purchase, but only the next day after receiving your payment to our Bank account.

During the first 30 days after receipt of your product, if for any reason you are not happy with your purchase, you can return your purchased item back to us at your expense. After we receive the goods, we will refund your money in the same way that payment was made within 3 business days.

We accept the following types of payment:

1. Bank transfer

Danila Gifts OÜ
Bank account:


2. Credit cards:

We use Stripe gateway to accept Visa, Master cards and American express cards, Stripe is a secure and reliable payment gateway to keep your data save and private.

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:zap: **Save up to 25% !** :zap: [Click here](https://danila-souvenirs.com/us/save-up-to-25)